A remarkable therapy for grief and loss.
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Welcome to Healing Grief with IADC Therapy
We provide Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy—a groundbreaking approach to reducing the sadness associated with grief.
Developed by clinical psychologist Dr Allan Botkin, IADC Therapy is derived from EMDR Therapy but with distinct changes to the standard EMDR protocol. It is designed to specifically target sadness, with many clients reporting the perception of a sense of reconnection with the deceased, which can include visual, auditory, or tactile sensations—an after-death communication (ADC).
ADCs are a common, naturally occurring phenomenon that can provide healing and assist in the resolution of unresolved issues relating to a death. Regardless of whether a client experiences an ADC, the primary aim of the therapy is to reduce sadness.
Find out more about IADC Therapy, our current research project in Australia, or complete the pre-screening questionnaire to see if this therapy might be a good fit for you.